Funcionar funciona. Las IP's dólo duran 3 días, pero al ser gratuitas no podemos pedirles peras al olmo.
Aún no lo he probado en VPS, pero en mi Pc cuando me he levantado sólo había una conexión en el Traffic Exchange de la web Hitleap (ahí podemos ver cuantas IP's teníamos conectadas y tenía que tener 2 ya que sólo abrí una sandbox nueva) y la gráfica del Proxifier estaba en gris, no mostraba actividad.
Así que he cerrado el programa y lo he vuelto a abrir "sandoxed" y se ha solucionado.
En el log del Bitvise me ha aparecido ésto:
02:25:03.940 Closing SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 0, received: 0.
02:59:08.982 Key exchange #3 started by client.
02:59:23.014 Key exchange #3 (started by client) completed.
03:40:34.974 Server disconnected without sending a disconnect message.
03:40:36.405 Aborting SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 340, received: 16373.
03:40:36.424 Aborting SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 379, received: 0.
03:40:37.350 Automatic reconnection started.
Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 03:40:39.
03:40:39.531 Starting a new SSH2 session.
03:40:39.690 Connecting to SSH2 server
03:40:49.474 Connected.
03:40:49.660 Starting first key exchange.
03:40:59.009 Server disconnected without sending a disconnect message.
03:40:59.026 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 03:41:03.
03:41:03.046 Starting a new SSH2 session.
03:41:03.136 Connecting to SSH2 server
03:41:03.388 Connected.
03:41:03.390 Starting first key exchange.
03:41:27.151 Server version string: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3
03:42:24.149 New host key received. Algorithm: ssh-rsa, Size: 2048 bits, MD5 Fingerprint: e5:c0:02:ac:c3:81:9f:82:b0:bd:ea:3f:5a:23:1a:37, Bubble-Babble: xunes-babip-sobum-cilym-doser-tepuf-zakud-fakef-laveg-bevib-zarud-zacah-robok-miroz-kubav-voris-dokuh-kiryr-luxax.
03:42:24.233 First key exchange completed.
03:42:24.375 Key exchange: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1. Session encryption: aes256-ctr, MAC: hmac-sha1, compression: none.
03:43:30.100 Attempting 'password' authentication.
03:43:34.343 Server disconnected without sending a disconnect message.
03:43:34.733 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 03:43:43.
03:43:45.926 Starting a new SSH2 session.
03:43:46.017 Connecting to SSH2 server
03:43:46.384 Connected.
03:43:46.556 Starting first key exchange.
03:43:46.703 Server version string: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3
03:43:47.220 New host key received. Algorithm: ssh-rsa, Size: 2048 bits, MD5 Fingerprint: e5:c0:02:ac:c3:81:9f:82:b0:bd:ea:3f:5a:23:1a:37, Bubble-Babble: xunes-babip-sobum-cilym-doser-tepuf-zakud-fakef-laveg-bevib-zarud-zacah-robok-miroz-kubav-voris-dokuh-kiryr-luxax.
03:43:47.244 First key exchange completed.
03:43:47.244 Key exchange: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1. Session encryption: aes256-ctr, MAC: hmac-sha1, compression: none.
03:43:47.499 Attempting 'password' authentication.
03:43:48.938 Authentication completed.
03:43:48.953 Initializing SOCKS / HTTP CONNECT proxy on succeeded.
03:46:19.484 Server disconnected without sending a disconnect message.
03:46:19.728 Automatic reconnection started.
Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 03:46:22.
03:46:21.725 Starting a new SSH2 session.
03:46:21.726 Connecting to SSH2 server
03:46:42.977 Connection failed. Connect() failed: Windows error 10060: Se produjo un error durante el intento de conexión ya que la parte conectada no respondió adecuadamente tras un periodo de tiempo, o bien se produjo un error en la conexión establecida ya que el host conectado no ha podido responder.
03:46:42.978 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 03:46:47.
03:46:46.982 Starting a new SSH2 session.
03:46:46.982 Connecting to SSH2 server
03:46:50.280 Connected.
03:46:50.282 Starting first key exchange.
03:46:50.527 Server disconnected without sending a disconnect message.
03:46:50.528 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 03:46:59.
03:46:58.896 Starting a new SSH2 session.
03:46:58.897 Connecting to SSH2 server
03:47:02.172 Connected.
03:47:02.182 Starting first key exchange.
03:47:32.183 Server disconnected without sending a disconnect message.
03:47:35.420 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 03:47:51.
03:47:51.453 Starting a new SSH2 session.
03:47:51.493 Connecting to SSH2 server
03:48:12.498 Connection failed. Connect() failed: Windows error 10060: Se produjo un error durante el intento de conexión ya que la parte conectada no respondió adecuadamente tras un periodo de tiempo, o bien se produjo un error en la conexión establecida ya que el host conectado no ha podido responder.
03:48:12.498 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 03:48:44.
03:48:44.497 Starting a new SSH2 session.
03:48:44.545 Connecting to SSH2 server
03:49:05.752 Connection failed. Connect() failed: Windows error 10060: Se produjo un error durante el intento de conexión ya que la parte conectada no respondió adecuadamente tras un periodo de tiempo, o bien se produjo un error en la conexión establecida ya que el host conectado no ha podido responder.
03:49:05.853 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 03:50:06.
03:50:05.899 Starting a new SSH2 session.
03:50:06.256 Connecting to SSH2 server
03:50:15.572 Connected.
03:50:15.575 Starting first key exchange.
03:50:15.888 Server version string: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3
03:50:16.891 New host key received. Algorithm: ssh-rsa, Size: 2048 bits, MD5 Fingerprint: e5:c0:02:ac:c3:81:9f:82:b0:bd:ea:3f:5a:23:1a:37, Bubble-Babble: xunes-babip-sobum-cilym-doser-tepuf-zakud-fakef-laveg-bevib-zarud-zacah-robok-miroz-kubav-voris-dokuh-kiryr-luxax.
03:50:16.894 First key exchange completed.
03:50:16.894 Key exchange: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1. Session encryption: aes256-ctr, MAC: hmac-sha1, compression: none.
03:50:18.176 Attempting 'password' authentication.
03:50:43.512 Authentication completed.
03:50:43.512 Initializing SOCKS / HTTP CONNECT proxy on succeeded.
04:20:28.793 Server disconnected without sending a disconnect message.
04:20:30.137 Automatic reconnection started.
Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 04:20:32.
04:20:32.193 Starting a new SSH2 session.
04:20:32.226 Connecting to SSH2 server
04:20:54.196 Connection failed. Connect() failed: Windows error 10060: Se produjo un error durante el intento de conexión ya que la parte conectada no respondió adecuadamente tras un periodo de tiempo, o bien se produjo un error en la conexión establecida ya que el host conectado no ha podido responder.
04:20:55.132 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 04:20:59.
04:20:59.174 Starting a new SSH2 session.
04:20:59.249 Connecting to SSH2 server
04:20:59.514 Connected.
04:20:59.991 Starting first key exchange.
04:20:59.994 Server version string: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3
04:21:00.506 New host key received. Algorithm: ssh-rsa, Size: 2048 bits, MD5 Fingerprint: e5:c0:02:ac:c3:81:9f:82:b0:bd:ea:3f:5a:23:1a:37, Bubble-Babble: xunes-babip-sobum-cilym-doser-tepuf-zakud-fakef-laveg-bevib-zarud-zacah-robok-miroz-kubav-voris-dokuh-kiryr-luxax.
04:21:00.759 First key exchange completed.
04:21:00.785 Key exchange: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1. Session encryption: aes256-ctr, MAC: hmac-sha1, compression: none.
04:21:01.064 Attempting 'password' authentication.
04:21:02.110 Authentication completed.
04:21:02.111 Initializing SOCKS / HTTP CONNECT proxy on succeeded.
05:21:01.291 Key exchange #2 started by client.
05:21:02.378 Key exchange #2 (started by client) completed.
06:21:02.562 Key exchange #3 started by client.
06:21:03.183 Key exchange #3 (started by client) completed.
07:03:00.870 Accepted SOCKS5 connection from to
- - - Actualización- - -
Me ha vuelto a pasar, antes pensaba que se trataba del servidor SSH pero he vuelto a cerrar y abrir el Proxifier y se ha solucionado, así que es cosa de este software.
Si vuelve a pasar, tendré que crear un batch script que cierre y vuelva abrir el Proxifier en sandboxed cada cierto tiempo, aprovechando que el Sandboxie lo permite mediante linea de comandos
Sandboxie - Start Command Line