MINDIG is uno de los themes mas reconocidos y vendidos en ThemeForest, se trata de un potente theme con muchas increibles opciones. Visual composer, 300+ shortcodes, unlimited layout options, +14 skins ready to use, an extensive admin panel, segun dicen, el theme de ecommerce mas rapido que existe! Es totalmente multilenguaje con WPML y WCML, incluye pagina de mantenimiento y bastantes mas cosas!
Key features
Mobile friendly and retina-ready design
Sticky header
Unlimited header layouts (move logo, navigation menu, turn on/off widgets, upload a background, etc.)
Fully brandable theme (replace our info with your info in the theme options panel)
Visual composer page builder plugin – value 28$
Visual composer Ultimate Addons – value 17$
Essential Grid WordPress Plugin – to create unlimited masonry and banner features – value 22$
Revolution slider – value 18$
300+ shortcodes
Custom “Layouts” plugin to customize header, sidebar and layout design for all pages and post (also product pages and category pages)
Custom plugin: Predictive Ajax search H O T
Left menu “amazon style”
Custom plugin: Predictive Ajax search H O T
Beautiful maintenance mode / prelaunch with counter
Seo optimized: seo features in each page and post (seo fields in each product page)
Buddypress compatible
BBpress compatible
Videotutorials and demo files
Free support
Layout features
Boxed or wide layout
Background uploader on each page
Unlimited sidebar + sidebar manager (left sidebar, right sidebar, 2 sidebar and set a custom sidebar on each page, post and product page)
Optionable top bar to show your social, special alert and so on
Header background uploader
Login/register dropdown
Beautiful dropdown menu with icon and image uploader
Unlimited sliders
Revolution slider included H O T
Parallax slider, parallax video, parallax section H O T
A fresh grid slider, never seen on Themeforest
Flexi slider
Parallax static header
Header uploader in each category page
contact pages
About page
Filterable FAQ page
4 portfolio layouts (also masonry and filterable layouts!)
3 blog layout + post format support (audio, video, gallery, quote)
Testimonials page
Custom login page
E-commerce features
Wishlist feature
Ajax layered filter
Compare products feature
Zoom effect in the product detail page
Cart icon uploader
2 product details pages (classic and creative)
Popup plugin included to show offers and news
WPML support for a multilanguage and multicurrency site H O T
Product variations with images support (a custom plugin)
Video support in the product page
A fresh zoom hover feature
“Catalog mode” to use the theme like a catalog, without the cart option and with a “product enquiry form”
INFO & DEMO: Mindig: a Flat & Multipurpose Ecommerce Theme - WordPress
PRECIO: $66 (Incluyendo fees)
10 Personas a solo $6.6 netos via paypal (Si mas personas estuvieran interesadas llevare la conjunta hasta 15 pero no mas que eso)
2- nokia5110 (PAGADO)
3- info2000 (PAGADO)
4- marcs2013 (PAGADO)
5- cargador (PAGADO)
6- etasoft (PAGADO)
Posibles interesados:
@Ganixar @rdiazno @mark22 @juanky75 @daszon @migperlop @boscal @ideasmex @davidblb @micr0 @javierlarrosa @Ihering @Socio @kimeras @Pierre MPP @dakuma @dejotazoo @jopo79 @Kabezas @bromispc @Tulum @GerayG1 @micr0 @Moz @vecinabella @skalamandra @jopo79 @kimeras @javierlarrosa @AdrianG8686 @MadeInChema @Javier1976 @boscal @juanky75 @davidblb @20k @devil27 @kesar @snufkitero @xTheGodFather @Rcallejonvilla @cardel @adtrafic @Hamiltonbl @migueldulceyd @alejorubio7 @jorjko @Khanone @d3moxv @Golu @MarceFX @davixpuppets @MaickEduard @delareguera @TitoGsm @rincha @PJrN @Leal32 @mediamorfosis @Albertoherma @maker @Exterminator @info2000 @Rs5k @kseo @mercedesbenz99 @formulalatino @pagemado @tellungaro @frnaklin @cybernegocios @katxan @andresasc @Athramas @Carlito96 @nokia5110 @wbfelix @richxrd @karlospino
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