¿Como instalo el identiscript en el localhost ?

No está abierto para más respuestas.

Julio Rodríguez

Usuario de Bronce
Puntuación de reacción

podrías decirnos que error te da o en que punto estas?

que servidor usas? wamp? xamp?


Usuario de Piedra
Puntuación de reacción

podrías decirnos que error te da o en que punto estas?

que servidor usas? wamp? xamp?

creo que es por ese .htaccess redirecciona muy rapido , uso xampp

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

# Protegerse contra los ataques DOS limitando el tama?o de subida de archivos
LimitRequestBody 10240000

	  RewriteBase /      
      RewriteEngine on
      Rewriterule ^popup2/(.*)$ popup2.php
      Rewriterule ^post/(.*)$ index.php?topic=$1
      Rewriterule ^perfil/(.*)$ index.php?action=profile;user=$1
      Rewriterule ^categoria/(.*)$ index.php?id=$1
      Rewriterule ^tops/expandir/(.*)$ index.php?action=TOPs;expand=$1
      Rewriterule ^tops/contraer/(.*)$ index.php?action=TOPs;collapse=$1
      Rewriterule ^tops(.*)$ index.php?action=TOPs
      Rewriterule ^cuenta(.*)$ index.php?action=profile;sa=cuenta
      Rewriterule ^mi-perfil(.*)$ index.php?action=profile;sa=perfil
      Rewriterule ^agregar(.*)$ index.php?action=post;board=4
      Rewriterule ^vibracion-reggae(.*)$ index.php?action=rz;m=vr2965
      Rewriterule ^user-post/(.*)$ index.php?action=profile;user=$1;sa=post
      Rewriterule ^user-comment/(.*)$ index.php?action=profile;user=$1;sa=comentarios
      Rewriterule ^editar-vibracion-reggae(.*)$ index.php?action=rz;m=vr2965;editar=1
      Rewriterule ^mensajes/leer/2$/1$(.*) index.php?action=pm;l=$2;p=$1
      Rewriterule ^mensajes/a/(.*)$ index.php?action=pm;sa=send;u=$1
      Rewriterule ^mensajes/redactar(.*)$ index.php?action=pm;sa=send
      Rewriterule ^mensajes/enviados(.*)$ index.php?action=pm;f=outbox
      Rewriterule ^mensajes(.*)$ index.php?action=pm  
      Rewriterule ^widget(.*)$ index.php?action=widget
      Rewriterule ^imagenes/ver/(.*)$ index.php?action=imagenes;sa=ver;id=$1
      Rewriterule ^imagenes/(.*)$ index.php?action=imagenes&usuario=$1      
      Rewriterule ^rss/post-user/(.*)$ /web/rss/rss-user.php?us=$1
      Rewriterule ^rss/ultimos-post(.*)$ /web/rss/rss-ultimos-post.php
      Rewriterule ^rss/ultimos-comment(.*)$ /web/rss/rss-comment.php
      Rewriterule ^rss/img-comment/(.*)$ /web/rss/rss-pic-comment.php?id=$1
      Rewriterule ^tu-ip.gif /Themes/default/fonts/ip.php
      Rewriterule ^avatar.gif /Themes/default/images/avatar.gif
      Rewriterule ^post-agregado/(.*)$ index.php?action=rz;m=post-agregado;idpost=$1
      Rewriterule ^post-editado/(.*)$ index.php?action=rz;m=post-editado;idpost=$1
      Rewriterule ^protocolo(.*)$ index.php?action=protocolo
      Rewriterule ^contactenos(.*)$ index.php?action=contactenos
      ErrorDocument 404 /404.php

<Limit GET POST>
 order allow,deny
 allow from all

resulta que le puse esto

# -FrontPage-

IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti*

<Limit GET POST>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from all
order deny,allow
deny from all
AuthName identi.us
AuthUserFile /home/identi2/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.pwd
AuthGroupFile /home/identi2/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.grp

Settings.php asi lo configure



$maintenance = 0;

$mtitle = 'Actualizacion del Sitio';

$mmessage = 'Pintasti estara nuevamente operativo dentro de unas horas.';

$mbname = 'Pintasti';

$language = 'spanish';

$limit_posts = '20';

$boardurl = 'http://localhost/identi/index.php';

$url = 'http://localhost/identi/index.php';

$chatid = '43220954'; // ID de tu chat de xat.com

$widget = 'Novedades en Pintasti'; // Lo que saldrá en el título del widget

$slogan = 'Tus Descargas Gratis'; // lo que saldrá en el título de tu web, no pongas el nombre

$no_avatar = '';

$webmaster_email = '';

$cookiename = 'SMFCookie11';

$db_server = 'localhost';

$db_name = 'skaysinf_demus';

$db_user = 'root';

$db_passwd = '';

$db_prefix = 'smf_';

$db_persist = 0;

$db_error_send = 0;

$boarddir = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\Identi';

$sourcedir = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\Identi\Sources';

$db_last_error = 1335835390;

if (!file_exists($sourcedir) && file_exists($boarddir . 'C:\xampp\htdocs\Identi\Sources'))

   $sourcedir = $boarddir . 'C:\xampp\htdocs\Identi\Sources';

$db_character_set = 'UTF-8';


$accepted_email_dns = array('hotmail','gmail','live','yahoo','facebook','msn','outlook');


por ahora tengo este error

Warning: require_once(C:\xampp\C:\xampp\htdocs\Identi\Themes\defaulthtdocs\Identi\Sources/QueryString.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: Invalid argument in C:\xampp\htdocs\Identi\index.php on line 28

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'C:\xampp\C:\xampp\htdocs\Identi\Themes\defaulthtdocs\Identi\Sources/QueryString.php' (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\Identi\index.php on line 28



if (!defined('SMF'))


global $boarddir; require_once($boarddir.'/escape_functions.php'); 

function cleanRequest()
	global $board, $topic, $boardurl, $scripturl, $modSettings, $context, $db_prefix;

	$scripturl = $boardurl . '/index.php';



	if (isset($_REQUEST['GLOBALS']) || isset($_COOKIE['GLOBALS']))

		die('Invalid request variable.');

	foreach (array_merge(array_keys($_POST), array_keys($_GET), array_keys($_FILES)) as $key)

		if (is_numeric($key))

			die('Variable Invalida.');

	foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $value)

		if (is_numeric($key))


	if (!isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))


	if ((strpos(@ini_get('arg_separator.input'), ';') === false || @version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.2.0') == -1) && !empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))


		$_GET = array();

		$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = urldecode(substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 0, 5) == 'url=/' ? $_SERVER['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'] : $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);

		parse_str(preg_replace('/&(\w+)(?=&|$)/', '&$1=', strtr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], array(';?' => '&', ';' => '&', '%00' => '', "\0" => ''))), $_GET);


	elseif (strpos(@ini_get('arg_separator.input'), ';') !== false)


		$_GET = urldecode__recursive($_GET);

			if (@get_magic_quotes_gpc() != 0 && empty($modSettings['integrate_magic_quotes']))
			$_GET = stripslashes__recursive($_GET);

		foreach ($_GET as $k => $v)


			if (is_string($v) && strpos($k, ';') !== false)


				$temp = explode(';', $v);

				$_GET[$k] = $temp[0];

				for ($i = 1, $n = count($temp); $i < $n; $i++)


					@list ($key, $val) = @explode('=', $temp[$i], 2);

					if (!isset($_GET[$key]))

						$_GET[$key] = $val;



			if (strpos($k, '?') === 0)


				$_GET[substr($k, 1)] = $v;





	if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))


		if (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strrpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '.'), 4) == '.htm')

			$request = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, strrpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '.'));


			$request = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

		parse_str(substr(preg_replace('/&(\w+)(?=&|$)/', '&$1=', strtr(preg_replace('~/([^,/]+),~', '/$1=', substr($request, strpos($request, basename($scripturl)) + strlen(basename($scripturl)))), '/', '&')), 1), $temp);

		$_GET += $temp;


	$_GET = addslashes__recursive(htmlspecialchars__recursive($_GET));

	if (@get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 0 && empty($modSettings['integrate_magic_quotes']))


		$_ENV = addslashes__recursive($_ENV);

		$_POST = addslashes__recursive($_POST);

		$_COOKIE = addslashes__recursive($_COOKIE);

		foreach ($_FILES as $k => $dummy)

			$_FILES[$k]['name'] = addslashes__recursive($_FILES[$k]['name']);


	$_SERVER = addslashes__recursive($_SERVER);

	$_REQUEST = $_POST + $_GET;

	if (isset($_REQUEST['board']))


		$_REQUEST['board'] = (string) $_REQUEST['board'];

		// If there's a slash in it, we've got a start value! (old, compatible links.)

		if (strpos($_REQUEST['board'], '/') !== false)

			list ($_REQUEST['board'], $_REQUEST['start']) = explode('/', $_REQUEST['board']);

		// Same idea, but dots.  This is the currently used format - ?board=1.0...

		elseif (strpos($_REQUEST['board'], '.') !== false)

			list ($_REQUEST['board'], $_REQUEST['start']) = explode('.', $_REQUEST['board']);

		// Now make absolutely sure it's a number.
		// Check for pretty board URLs too, and possibly redirect if oldschool queries were used.
		$context['pretty']['query_string']['board'] = $_REQUEST['board'];
		if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['board']))
			$board = (int) $_REQUEST['board'];
			if (!isset($_REQUEST['pretty']))
				$context['pretty']['oldschoolquery'] = true;
		} else {
			$_REQUEST['board'] = str_replace(array(''', '\\'), array("\x12", ''), $_REQUEST['board']);
			$pretty_board_lookup = unserialize($modSettings['pretty_board_lookup']);
			$board = (int) isset($pretty_board_lookup[$_REQUEST['board']]) ? $pretty_board_lookup[$_REQUEST['board']] : 0;

			//	Fix $_REQUEST for silly mods that don't check $board
			$_REQUEST['board'] = $board;

		// This is for "Who's Online" because it might come via POST - and it should be an int here.

		$_GET['board'] = $board;


	// Well, $board is going to be a number no matter what.


		$board = 0;

	// If there's a threadid, it's probably an old YaBB SE link.  Flow with it.

	if (isset($_REQUEST['threadid']) && !isset($_REQUEST['topic']))

		$_REQUEST['topic'] = $_REQUEST['threadid'];

	// We've got topic!

	if (isset($_REQUEST['topic']))


		// Make sure that its a string and not something else like an array

		$_REQUEST['topic'] = (int)$_REQUEST['topic'];


		// Slash means old, beta style, formatting.  That's okay though, the link should still work.

		if (strpos($_REQUEST['topic'], '/') !== false)

			list ($_REQUEST['topic'], $_REQUEST['start']) = explode('/', $_REQUEST['topic']);

		// Dots are useful and fun ;).  This is ?topic=1.15.

		elseif (strpos($_REQUEST['topic'], '.') !== false)

			list ($_REQUEST['topic'], $_REQUEST['start']) = explode('.', $_REQUEST['topic']);

		// Check for pretty topic URLs, and possibly redirect if oldschool queries were used.
		$context['pretty']['query_string']['topic'] = $_REQUEST['topic'];
		if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['topic']))
			$topic = (int) mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['topic']);
			if (!isset($_REQUEST['pretty']))
				$context['pretty']['oldschoolquery'] = true;
		} else {
			die('Hack Attempt!!');
				// Now make sure the online log gets the right number.
		$_GET['topic'] = $topic;

	// There should be a $_REQUEST['start'], some at least.  If you need to default to other than 0, use $_GET['start'].

	if (empty($_REQUEST['start']) || $_REQUEST['start'] < 0)

		$_REQUEST['start'] = 0;

	// The action needs to be a string and not an array or anything else	

	if (isset($_REQUEST['action']))

		$_REQUEST['action'] = (string) $_REQUEST['action'];

	if (isset($_GET['action']))

		$_GET['action'] = (string) $_GET['action'];

	// Store the REMOTE_ADDR for later - even though we HOPE to never use it...

	$_SERVER['BAN_CHECK_IP'] = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && preg_match('~^((([1]?\d)?\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.){3}(([1]?\d)?\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$~', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) === 1 ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : 'unknown';

	// Find the user's IP address. (but don't let it give you 'unknown'!)

		if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) && (preg_match('~^((0|10|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])|192\.168|255|127)\.|unknown)~', $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) == 0 || preg_match('~^((0|10|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])|192\.168|255|127)\.|unknown)~', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) != 0))
		/// We have both forwarded for AND client IP... check the first forwarded for as the block - only switch if it's better that way.
		if (strtok($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], '.') != strtok($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'], '.') && '.' . strtok($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], '.') == strrchr($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'], '.') && (preg_match('~^((0|10|172\.16|192\.168|255|127\.0)\.|unknown)~', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) == 0 || preg_match('~^((0|10|172\.16|192\.168|255|127\.0)\.|unknown)~', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) != 0))
			$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = implode('.', array_reverse(explode('.', $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])));
	if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) && (preg_match('~^((0|10|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])|192\.168|255|127)\.|unknown)~', $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) == 0 || preg_match('~^((0|10|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])|192\.168|255|127)\.|unknown)~', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) != 0))
		// Since they are in different blocks, it's probably reversed.

		if (strtok($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], '.') != strtok($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'], '.'))

			$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = implode('.', array_reverse(explode('.', $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])));



	elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))


		// If there are commas, get the last one.. probably.

		if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], ',') !== false)


			$ips = array_reverse(explode(', ', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']));

			// Go through each IP...

			foreach ($ips as $i => $ip)


				// Make sure it's in a valid range...

				if (preg_match('~^((0|10|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])|192\.168|255|127)\.|unknown)~', $ip) != 0 && preg_match('~^((0|10|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])|192\.168|255|127)\.|unknown)~', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) == 0)

				// Otherwise, we've got an IP!

				$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = trim($ip);




		// Otherwise just use the only one.

		elseif (preg_match('~^((0|10|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])|192\.168|255|127)\.|unknown)~', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) == 0 || preg_match('~^((0|10|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])|192\.168|255|127)\.|unknown)~', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) != 0)



	elseif (!isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))



		// A new magic variable to indicate we think this is command line.

		$_SERVER['is_cli'] = true;


	// Make sure we know the URL of the current request.

	if (empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))

		$_SERVER['REQUEST_URL'] = $scripturl . (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '');

	elseif (preg_match('~^([^/]+//[^/]+)~', $scripturl, $match) == 1)

		$_SERVER['REQUEST_URL'] = $match[1] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];



	// And make sure HTTP_USER_AGENT is set.

	$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), ENT_QUOTES) : '';

	// Some final checking.

	if (preg_match('~^((([1]?\d)?\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.){3}(([1]?\d)?\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$~', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) === 0)



// Adds slashes to the array/variable.  Uses two underscores to guard against overloading.

function addslashes__recursive($var, $level = 0)

	if (!is_array($var))

		return addslashes($var);

	// Reindex the array with slashes.

	$new_var = array();

	// Add slashes to every element, even the indexes!

	foreach ($var as $k => $v)

		$new_var[addslashes($k)] = $level > 25 ? null : addslashes__recursive($v, $level + 1);

	return $new_var;


// Adds html entities to the array/variable.  Uses two underscores to guard against overloading.

function htmlspecialchars__recursive($var, $level = 0)


	global $func;

	if (!is_array($var))

		return isset($func) ? $func['htmlspecialchars']($var, ENT_QUOTES) : htmlspecialchars($var, ENT_QUOTES);

	// Add the htmlspecialchars to every element.

	foreach ($var as $k => $v)

		$var[$k] = $level > 25 ? null : htmlspecialchars__recursive($v, $level + 1);

	return $var;


// Removes url stuff from the array/variable.  Uses two underscores to guard against overloading.

function urldecode__recursive($var, $level = 0)


	if (!is_array($var))

		return urldecode($var);

	// Reindex the array...

	$new_var = array();

	// Add the htmlspecialchars to every element.

	foreach ($var as $k => $v)

		$new_var[urldecode($k)] = $level > 25 ? null : urldecode__recursive($v, $level + 1);

	return $new_var;


// Strips the slashes off any array or variable.  Two underscores for the normal reason.

function stripslashes__recursive($var, $level = 0)


	if (!is_array($var))

		return stripslashes($var);

	// Reindex the array without slashes, this time.

	$new_var = array();

	// Strip the slashes from every element.

	foreach ($var as $k => $v)

		$new_var[stripslashes($k)] = $level > 25 ? null : stripslashes__recursive($v, $level + 1);

	return $new_var;


// Trim a string including the HTML space, character 160.

function htmltrim__recursive($var, $level = 0)


	global $func;

	// Remove spaces (32), tabs (9), returns (13, 10, and 11), nulls (0), and hard spaces. (160)

	if (!is_array($var))
		return isset($func) ? $func['htmltrim']($var) : trim($var, " \t\n\r\x0B\0\xA0");

	$new_var = array();

	// Go through all the elements and remove the whitespace.
	foreach ($var as $k => $v)
		$new_var[$k] = $level > 25 ? null : htmltrim__recursive($v, $level + 1);

	return $new_var;


// !!!

function validate_unicode__recursive($var)


	if (is_array($var))

		return array_map('validate_unicode__recursive', $var);

	$cleanup = array_merge(range(0, 8), range(11, 12), range(14, 31));

	// Assuming unicode for now - won't really hurt if we're wrong.

	for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($var); $i++)


		$c = ord($var{$i});

		if (in_array($c, $cleanup))


			$var = substr($var, 0, $i) . substr($var, $i + 1);




		if ($c < 192)


		elseif ($c < 224)


		elseif ($c < 240)

			$i += 2;

		elseif ($c < 248)

			$i += 3;

		elseif ($c < 252)

			$i += 4;

		elseif ($c < 254)

			$i += 5;


	return $var;


function ob_sessrewrite($buffer)
	global $scripturl, $modSettings, $user_info, $context, $boardurl, $db_count, $sourcedir, $time_start, $txt;

	if ($scripturl == '' || !defined('SID'))

		return $buffer;

	if (empty($_COOKIE) && SID != '' && empty($context['browser']['possibly_robot']) && @version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.3.0') != -1)

		$buffer = preg_replace('/"' . preg_quote($scripturl, '/') . '(?!\?' . preg_quote(SID, '/') . ')(\?)?/', '"' . $scripturl . '?' . SID . '&', $buffer);

	elseif (isset($_GET['debug']))

		$buffer = preg_replace('/"' . preg_quote($scripturl, '/') . '(\?)?/', '"' . $scripturl . '?debug;', $buffer);
/***	Pretty URLs says no!
	if (!empty($modSettings['queryless_urls']) && (!$context['server']['is_cgi'] || @ini_get('cgi.fix_pathinfo') == 1) && $context['server']['is_apache'])


		if (defined('SID') && SID != '')

			$buffer = preg_replace('/"' . preg_quote($scripturl, '/') . '\?(?:' . SID . ';)((?:board|topic)=[^#"]+?)(#[^"]*?)?"/e', "'\"' . \$scripturl . '/' . strtr('\$1', '&;=', '//,') . '.html?' . SID . '\$2\"'", $buffer);


		$buffer = preg_replace('/"' . preg_quote($scripturl, '/') . '\?((?:board|topic)=[^#"]+?)(#[^"]*?)?"/e', "'\"' . \$scripturl . '/' . strtr('\$1', '&;=', '//,') . '.html\$2\"'", $buffer);



	//	Rewrite the buffer with Pretty URLs!
	if (!empty($modSettings['pretty_enable_filters']))
		require_once($sourcedir . '/PrettyUrls-Filters.php');
		$buffer = pretty_rewrite_buffer($buffer);

	//	Update the load times
	$pattern = '~<span class="smalltext">' . $txt['smf301'] . '([.0-9]+)' . $txt['smf302'] . '([0-9]+)' . $txt['smf302b'] . '</span>~';
	if (preg_match($pattern, $buffer, $matches))
		$newTime = round(array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - array_sum(explode(' ', $time_start)), 3);
		$timeDiff = $newTime - (float) $matches[1];
		$queriesDiff = $db_count + $context['pretty']['db_count'] - (int) $matches[2];
		//	Remove the link if you like, I won't enforce it like others do
		$newLoadTime = '<span class="smalltext">' . $txt['smf301'] . $newTime . $txt['smf302'] . $db_count . $txt['smf302b'] . ' (<a href="http://code.google.com/p/prettyurls/">Pretty URLs</a> adds ' . $timeDiff . 's, ' . $queriesDiff . 'q)</span>';
		$buffer = str_replace($matches[0], $newLoadTime, $buffer);
	return $buffer;



bueno eso me paso.

pero con la primera que salio si me funciono pero estaba muy incompleta al no tener perfiles





y lo configure asi


$maintenance = '0';
$mtitle = 'Actualizacion del Sitio';
$mmessage = 'Identi estara¡ nuevamente operativo dentro de unas horas.';
$mbname = 'Identi';
$language = 'spanish';
$limit_posts = '20';
$boardurl = 'http://localhost/identi';
$url = 'http://localhost/identi';
$chatid = '43220954'; // ID de tu chat de xat.com
$widget = 'Novedades en Identi'; // Lo que saldrá en el título del widget
$slogan = 'Tus descargas en mediafire'; // lo que saldrá en el título de tu web, no pongas el nombre
$no_avatar = $url.'/images/def/avatar.png';
$webmaster_email = 'tucorreo@nose.com';
$cookiename = 'SMFCookie11';
$db_server = 'localhost';
$db_name = 'identi';
$db_user = 'root';
$db_passwd = '';
$db_prefix = 'smf_';
$db_persist = '0';
$db_error_send = 1;
$boarddir = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\identi';//Ejemplo: C:\\Vicram10-Documentos\\vicram10-extras\\Identi\\web
$sourcedir = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\identi\Sources';//Ejemplo: C:\\Vicram10-Documentos\\vicram10-extras\\Identi\\web\\Sources
//$db_last_error = 1335835390;
if (!file_exists($sourcedir) && file_exists($boarddir . '/Sources'))
   $sourcedir = $boarddir . '/Sources';
$db_character_set = 'UTF-8';
$db_last_error = 1368021555;


Usuario de Piedra
Puntuación de reacción
no entiendo que error te da

La misma pregunta me hago yo, porque tal y como veo las capturas, lo veo todo montado xD, puedes aclarar más el error???

Saludos Imagination :cool: :cool:

me da eso

Warning: require_once(C:\xampp\C:\xampp\htdocs\Identi\Themes\defaulthtdocs\Identi\Sources/QueryString.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: Invalid argument in C:\xampp\htdocs\Identi\index.php on line 28

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'C:\xampp\C:\xampp\htdocs\Identi\Themes\defaulthtdocs\Identi\Sources/QueryString.php' (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\Identi\index.php on line 28
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