LeadGid es la red de afiliados número uno en el campo de la generación de leads financieros


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It's hard to believe but Leadgid's most fashionable contest Haute Couture has come to an end. It's time to announce the start of the race for the title of financial affiliate marketing champion – Winning Formula!

A real competition awaits you in terms of your reliability, adaptability, mastery of technology, as well as in the ability to search for innovative approaches to working with advertising.

The rules for participation in the competition are familiar to everyone:

1. Drive traffic to sponsored offers (you can always find them in your Personal Account → Offers → Success Formula);

2. Get more points thanks to sponsor multipliers (sponsor offers increase points - from x1.5 to x3 in the Gold, Platinum, and Diamond categories);

3. Show your best result, win valuable prizes, and fly with us on the ultimate journey of the competition – the island of Mauritius, rich in colorful landscapes!

Get on the winners’ podium and participate in the final giveaway:

• A GRAND PRIX Formula 1 VIP ticket for two people, including flights and accommodation, will be drawn from 1st to 5th place in the final standings.

• Places 6 to 20 will win two sets of tickets to an exciting GRAND PRIX Formula 1 event.

• The top 30 will draw certificates of 500,000 / 300,000 / 150,000 roubles each.

• From 31st to 50th place three latest generation iPhones will be drawn.

We have set goals for the month – every month, you will receive personal offers from us on your pit lane. By increasing the volume of traffic and closing the goals for them, you will receive an increased payout for each conversion above the bar. And you’ll do so every month!

Gifts in our Leadstore also remain intact. On August 1, our treasury will become a real pit stop for the best racers in the world of financial affiliate marketing. You have a whole month to spend the points earned in Haute Couture and collect your gifts. Don't slow down – the number of gifts on there is limited!

The race will run from July 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024.

Get the most of it, we’ll be waiting for you at the finish line!

More about the contest: https://clck.ru/34txxv

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Everything you wanted to know about the news of the affiliate marketing world is right in this post!

Leadgid’s digest is a great way to quickly and easily catch up on the news agenda. A rundown of special event announcements, important updates, convenient offer rating system with all the links, and so much more sent to you every week.

Check out what we’ve prepared for you – the digest is already up!

Digest link – https://telegra.ph/leadgid-digest-eng-07-21

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Collect information about your advertising campaigns and optimize traffic with Binom Tracker.

For 7 years of work in the affiliate marketing market, the Binom team researched the needs of affiliates and has prepared a high-quality tracker.

Main features of Binom include:

- Selfhosted and Cloud versions;

- The fastest redirect and interface speeds;

- Great for Popups, Mobile ads, Native ads, Facebook, Google ads, etc.;

- Full API for automation;

- The price not depending on traffic volumes.

For all Leadgid’s partners, Binom provided a free subscription for the first month of using the service and a 40% discount for the second month.

You can get a subscription at the link.

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Trackers are a must-have for any affiliate marketer. They help track conversions, evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, split traffic, switch advertisers, and much more. Not every tracker will be good for the successful completion of all the above tasks; and PeerClick is currently considered one of the best.

PeerClick is a cloud-based tracker that allows you to analyze and optimize advertising campaigns in real time, create detailed reports, organize your work and distribute traffic.

The tracker will allow you to:

– Expand acquisition channels by scaling advertising campaigns with your account manager

– Use automation and optimization features to automatically send relevant offers to your audience

– Bring your media buying to the top and integrate it with BI platforms

– Use pre-made templates and postbacks to quickly set up your campaigns

– Get great insights on organic and paid traffic sources to find the most effective approach for ad campaigns

Peerclick provides all Leadgid partners with a free basic+ subscription plan for 3 million events for 1 month with the ability to set up content cloaking for all campaigns.

Take advantage of this awesome offer

Use the LEADGID promo code

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Leadgid presents: a digest with the main news of the week.

We regularly gather all the news for you together: updates and offers’ ratings, information about major niche events, and so much more. Don't miss the collection of the most important events – the new release is already here!

Read the digest here – https://telegra.ph/leadgid-digest-eng-08-30

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Updated API documentation section - improved tools for traffic tracking

The information is now available not just in text format, but is output directly from the services in the form of Swagger API documentation. Directly from your personal account, you can check how API methods work and what data they return.

Your Personal Account already contains documentation for the following sections:
  • Offers
  • Finance
  • Statistics
  • Conversions
  • Customer story
  • Notifications
We’ve also updated the following documentation:

Exclusion of offers

Universal API application

Maximize your traffic’s efficiency with Leadgid!

See the API documentation section

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Dealing with traffic without a tracker is like driving a car with your eyes closed. You can learn to do it intuitively, but you risk huge losses. That's why we've prepared a separate article where we break it down:

• What a tracker is for
• The main functions of a modern tracker
• Which tracker to choose
• How to save money when choosing a tracker

👉 Read article



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Leadgid is always happy to delight you with new activities. This time, we’ve prepared a World Wanderers promotion for you. The promo will definitely help you increase your income and open up sources of traffic that you didn’t even know existed

The rules are very simple:

• simultaneously work with 5 or more campaign's offers
• increase your overall volume of traffic
• level up and raise you bonus multiplier
• receive up to 5% payout bonus every month

By fulfilling these conditions, everyone can receive up to a 5% bonus on their monthly payment. By the way, the promotion includes more than 120 offers and 14 GEOs, so there’s plenty to choose from!

See more details about the promotion here: https://my.leadgid.com/campaigns/9

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Leadgid presents: a digest with the main news of the week.

We regularly gather all the news for you together: updates and offers’ ratings, information about major niche events, and so much more. Don't miss the collection of the most important events – the new release is already here!

Read the digest here – https://telegra.ph/leadgid-digest-eng-11-22

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The most important thing to do before Christmas is to make a wish. We've thought about it and made one for you: we wish you to be with us in the coming year, to have a lot of pleasant emotions and generally to have a great time on each of the next 366 days🎄.

By the way, 2024 will be a leap year, which means 1 more day to joy!

Have a nice holiday and great accomplishments in the new year. We will be there to support you in all your endeavours.

With warmth and love,
Your Leadgid

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Making your work comfortable is our main priority. So, today, we’re pleased to remind you about one of the most convenient trackers for working with traffic – Keitaro!

Keitaro is an independent magic wand that includes:

• statistics from all active affiliate networks;
• accelerated reports;
• tracking user actions;
• competent traffic distribution;
• built-in landing page editor;
• IPv6 support, built-in GEO databases, integration with Namecheap, Cloudflare and much more.

Track conversions, income, expenses, profits, ROI and other indicators are all gathered in one source to let your work be even more productive.

Don't forget about the LEADGID discount code for a 20% discount on any Keitaro subscription plan upon your first purchase.

Sign up here – https://open.keitaro.io/leadgid



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PeerClick helps Leadgid users with its unique features and offers. Improve your advertising campaigns, especially since PeerClick gives you a promotional code for their Advanced subscription plan for a month: get 10 million clicks and a lot of cool features for free!

Take advantage of all the benefits of the service using the LEADGID24 promo code.

With PeerClick’s Advanced plan, you will receive:

• 10 million clicks for free;

• real-time reports – stay up to date with all events on your advertising campaigns;

• A/B testing using artificial intelligence – improve and finesse your strategies;

• support for any currencies;

• worldwide work and integration with over 70 platforms;

• defense against scammers with an anti-fraud system;

• eye-opening analytics.

Be one of the first people to claim the precious bonushttps://trk.peerclick.com/15GjdS?manager=ap&source=LEADGID&promo=LEADGID24&language=en

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One of the most cool contests Winning Formula flew by so fast, the winners will have a trip to the island of Zanzibar and get tons of valuable (and, most importantly, well-deserved!) prizes.

Didn't make it to the top winners? – It doesn’t matter, it means it just wasn’t your time. That is why we are announcing the start of a new contest called Time of Leaders – this contest is definitely for you if you support continuous movement forward and are not used to stopping yourself.

We got two new contest mechanics:

Leadgid’s Super Cashback

My Choice

– with these, every month of the contest, you will receive 3 goals for Leadgid offers and choose 3 goals yourself. All this will help you increase your payout rate and get the coveted bonus payment!

Participants who manage to make good use of the time will get to leave another mark on their personal travel map and go with us to a fairyland with bazaars, aromatic oils, and the heritage of Berber culture. Have you already guessed where we're going? – It’s Morocco!

The TOP 30 webmasters will be awarded in Marrakech:

Places from 1st to 3rd place – guaranteed legendary Rolex watches;

Places from 4th to 30th will also receive guaranteed prizes at the finale of the contest.

The value of the prizes directly reflects your place in the ranking; the higher you climb, the more generous the reward will be for you!

The clock is ticking – what are you waiting for? Hurry up and sign up for the contest!

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Another newscast from the world of affiliate marketing, sent for you personally from Leadgid. Find out everything about the news of the past week, don't miss the current promotions, and check out our hottest offers these days.

Catch up on all the important things!

Digest link – https://telegra.ph/leadgid-digest-eng-04-10

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Now, the platform for additional traffic monetization allows you to create offer walls for Colombia.

As part of the new feature set, you can configure the offer wall in Spanish and in dollar currency. There are 10 active offers available for placement, and there will be more.

The new feature will allow you to expand your GEO pool. Hurry up and take advantage of new LeadCore opportunities!


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It’s the weekly digest!

Another newscast from the world of affiliate marketing, sent for you personally from Leadgid. Find out everything about the news of the past week, don't miss the current promotions, and check out our hottest offers these days.

Catch up on all the important things!

Digest link - https://bit.ly/4aR60CL

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Our Personal Account is pretty good: attractive user interface, convenient functionality – everything you like. But this doesn’t mean that we’re stopping here!

Meet the new feature called Suggest Offer: now, when you can’t find an offer you need in the list (by filter or through search), you will just need to click on the Suggest Offer button and make your suggestions. This button also appeared in the upper right corner in the list of offers in the form of a plus sign. You can suggest offers in all GEOs.

You can find the button in your personal account right now – run over and test it!

And don’t forget about feedback: it’s important for us to know what you think about each of our innovations. This way, we can continue to develop your Personal Account with maximum benefit for you

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