Found base64_decode in file twitteroauth.php.
Found $field_class in file field_group.php.
Line 255: $enqueue = new $field_class('', '', $this);
Found $field_class in file options.php.
Line 301: $enqueue = new $field_class('','',$this);
Line 593: $validation = new $validate($field, $plugin_options[$field['id']], $options[$field['id']]);
Line 1049: $render = new $field_class($field, $value, $this);
Lo malo es... esto:
Malware : Operations on file system
file_get_contents was found in the file twitteroauth.php
Line 201: //file_get_contents(self::$POST_INPUT)
fclose was found in the file php-po.php
Line 259: //fclose($handle);
Line 500: fclose( $handle );
fopen was found in the file php-po.php
Line 349: $handle = @fopen($file_path, 'wb');
Me preocupo?